🔔Watchlist & Notifications

You can add any narrative, alpha hunter or project you like to your watchlist to keep them under radar.

Narrative watchlist

Similar to the narrative dashboard, this page displays the search trends of all the narrtives you've added to the watchlist.

You can access the narrative detail page to learn more information by clicking on any narrative you prefer


Alpha Hunters watchlist

You can discover projects recently followed by your Alpha Hunters by hovering over the project-followed timeline

You can click on the project you prefer to access the project details page.

Alpha Hunters notification

You'll receive notifications whenever:

  1. The Alpha hunters in your watchlist follow any new projects

  2. The Alpha hunters in your watchlist update their Twitter profile, including:

    1. Updating avatar

    2. Updating twitter bio

    3. Updating name

    4. Updating username

    5. Account suspension, deletion, or deactivation

Projects watchlist

This page displays the projects you've added to your watchlist, sorted by the date they were added

You can find out how many new Alpha Hunters have followed them within the timeframe you selected.

Projects notification

You'll receive notifications whenever:

  1. The projects in your watchlist are followed by any new Alpha Hunters

  2. The projects in your watchlist update their twitter profile, including:

    1. Updating avatar

    2. Updating twitter bio

    3. Updating name

    4. Updating username

    5. Account suspension, deletion, or deactivation

Last updated