By Early Discoveries
This dashboard ranks alpha hunters by their number of early discovery in the selected timeframes
Each alpha hunter includes key details:
Their avatar and Twitter Name
The blockchain / category of the most projects they followed
Their Twitter Followers
Total number of projects they followed that we tracked
The timeline of projects they followed
Filters Selection
The filters section displays the number of alpha hunters we tracked in that timeframe. It might vary when you select different timeframe since we continuously adding new alpha hunters to our list
Timeframe filter
You can choose from four timeframes based on your needs:
7 days
30 days (default timeframe)
90 days
ALL - representing the entire database
The # of early discoveries is calculated based on the timeframe you select. So, experimenting with different timeframes increases the chances of finding the alpha hunters you like.
Early Discoveries Filter
You can select how we count "early discovery" based on your needs. There are three available filters
Projects less than 100 followers when discovered
Projects less than 500 followers when discovered
Projects less than 1000 followers when discovered
This filter will give you different types of alpha hunters. If you like project in very early stage, you can try the <100 followers filter. Those alpha hunters often discover projects in the earliest stage
The projects followed timeline
This timeline shows all the projects they followed in the selected timeframe. Hover to the project logo will show all projects they follow in that timeframe
You can click to the project you like to access the project details page
Project details pageAccess more information
Click on an Alpha Hunter to learn more about it
Additional information about this page can be found by clicking this link below.
Alpha Hunter Details PageAdding Alpha Hunter to your watchlist
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