Project details page

After selecting any project from the project dashboard, a popup will appear, providing additional information about the chosen project to help you learn more about that.

Here are some key project details:

Overview information

  1. Avatar, Twitter handle, and Twitter bio

  2. Official links (Twitter, Website / Telegram / Discord / Linktree ...)

  3. Categories & Blockchain

    1. If you are interested in more projects within the same category or blockchain, feel free to explore further.

  4. Number of new alpha hunters followed in the last 7 days (here's our default filter)

  5. Adding watchlist button

  6. Share button

    1. To share the project's URL, simply click the copy icon located on the far right

Discovery section

This section provides four key pieces of information:

  1. Twitter Followers When discovered

    • This is the number of followers the project had when the first alpha hunter in our list followed it

  2. Current Twitter Followers

    • This figure is regularly updated each time a new alpha hunter follows the project.

  3. Twitter Created Date

    • The is the date when the project's Twitter account is created

  4. Discovered Date

    • This is the date when the first alpha hunter in our list began following the project

Discovery chart

This chart displays the historical data for the number of Alpha Hunters Following and the growth of Twitter Follower. It will assist you in understanding the correlation between these two pieces of data, helping you identify the alpha hunters who followed before the surges in Twitter followers

You can also use the chart to identify specific days when the key data experiences spikes. These spikes often coincide with significant project events, such as project launches, introductions, or investor announcements.

Earliest Alpha Hunter Table

This table provides a comprehensive list of alpha hunters who have followed the project, along with the date they started following and the number of followers the project had at that time

You can choose to follow the earliest alpha hunters of a project you're interested in. This will enable you to discover the projects they have recently started following, which are likely to be of interest to you as well.

Following date sort

The default sorting displays a list of the earlist alpha hunters who followed the projects. However, you can also change the sorting order by clicking on the "Following date".

The alternative sorting option presents a list of alpha hunters who have recently followed the project. The more alpha hunters who have followed the project recently, the more likely it becomes the next big thing.

Twitter changelogs

We have tracked all the changelogs of the project's Twitter account:

  • Updating avatar

  • Updating twitter bio

  • Updating name

  • Updating username

  • Account suspension, deletion, or deactivation

This information is particularly valuable for detecting potential scam accounts. Some scam projects acquire old twitter account and change their names & bios as part of their scamming tactics to deceive followers

Unless they have publicly announced a rebranding, a complete name change is a significant red flag for potential scam activity.

In addition, many projects frequently update their Twitter bios to align with current trends. This feature can be helpful when conducting due diligence

More Alpha like this

This table displays a list of projects that share the highest number of mutual alpha hunters followed. The underlying concept is that projects with a larger number of mutual alpha hunters may have something in common (like realated team or marketing strategy, similar narratives ....)

Last updated